My Surprise. When I was in graduate
school, I had the opportunity to meet a professor whose work I had been
reading. I was planning on using a theory that he popularized. So when he
visited our campus, one of our professors made sure that I had time to speak
with him about his work. At that meeting I expressed to him how much I
appreciated his writing. He was noticeably flattered. This response surprised
me. He was the professor… the published author… the one whose work I was
studying. I was the one who should have been flattered that he would take time
to speak with me one on one.
My New Appreciation. Since that time, I have
gained an appreciation for his perspective. Writing is challenging work. As an
author, I often take months and sometimes years to craft ideas into finished
products that I think will be meaningful to readers. And even then, I am not
always certain that the finished products have the impact that I desire. So, it
is often encouraging to hear from parents and children who have read my books. It
is especially encouraging to know that they are walking away from the text with
meaningful insight. I recently heard from Dallas (one of our Black Kids Read All-Stars)
and her mother Donnella. This was one of those encouraging letters. I hope you
enjoy it as much as I did!
From Donnella and Dallas.
Let me
say congratulations on writing this children’s book. Dallas & I read it
together, when we first received the book. I would read the words that she
didn’t know and then let her read the words that she already knew. Some words I
did help her sound out so she could pronounce them correctly.
So after
we read the book, I asked her would she like to go to a farm and see the
various types of chickens that a farm may have? She said yes, so I’m hoping to
be able to find a farm this summer that allows visitors to come and learn about
the habitat of chickens and other farm raised animals. We do go to the Indiana
State Fair every year, which they have an animal section for everyone, and
chickens are there, but they don’t show you how to raise the chickens.
Now this
is off the record, so I asked her how she liked her chicken she said, fried,
baked, and barbeque. However, to know my child, she LOVES to eat meat!!! And
chicken is one of her favorite meats that she likes to eat. Oh, and don’t
forget the hot sauce! So then she says, mo
mmy that meat in the packages that
you buy me, it says chicken on it. Did that come from a chicken too? I said
yes. You know the deli sliced meat, I always get her either turkey or chicken.
She’s a mess.
enjoyed reading the book together and it was at a level for her understanding.
The words in the book were very age appropriate for her by her being in
Kindergarten, she recognized a lot of site words that she knows very well.
Thank you
for letting us be a part of this and sharing our feedback to you.
& Dallas
Thanks! Keep the good news coming.
Jomo W. Mutegi, Ph.D. is an author of science-related children's books, and an Associate Professor of Science Education at the Indiana University School of Education in Indianapolis. He is also a member of the (ES)2 Research Program. To learn more about Dr. Mutegi’s books, visit To learn more about Dr. Mutegi’s research, visit
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